The New Prohibition
Doesn't it seem just a little bit counter productive to ban plants and then lock up for many MANY years anyone caught touching "Forbidden Plants"? First Ban Nature, then Ban Prayer, Now Ban GOD - and lock away ANYONE who tries to whisper a truth under the Roar of your SCREAMED LIES!
Isn't this one of the STATES Rights that has illegally been usurped by the Federal Government?
Moderator: elyusium
120 Posts
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Last post by Sea Mac
in Re: TED Talk ... Is the ...
on 06-21-2017 at 03:07:47 AM
In the 1970's President R. M. Nixon commissioned a Blue Ribbon Panel on Drugs called "The Shafer Committee". Their recommendation was that the States should be allowed to Regulate and Tax and Sell Marijuana just like Alcohol and that EVERYONE should be allowed to carry up to an Ounce on them!
Nixon promptly and unilaterally stripped the States of ANY Rights: claiming it had high abuse potential and NO MEDICAL VALUE! And the CURRENT Government is struggling to maintain that Li(n)e no matter WHAT!!!!
89 Posts
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in Re: Legal in 10 States a...
on 02-17-2019 at 03:28:05 PM
Got a Good Brownie Recipe? (Giggle)
High times connoisseurs and alternative living advocates be sure to post your comments HERE!
24 Posts
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in What a scientist suggest...
on 07-22-2017 at 01:00:41 AM
Studies and Reports and NEWS about the Medical Uses for Marijuana. The Government attempts to BLOCK any legitimate attempts to study the Health Benefits of compounds IN Marijuana despite the cost in human suffering.
45 Posts
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in CNN Specials 1 through 3...
on 04-20-2017 at 04:00:47 PM
Cannabis has historically been one of the world's most beneficial plants: since the dawn of time!
Special Interests/Lobbyists want to be SURE that ordinary people cannot grow their own fiber/paper/clothes/bio-diesel/food/medicine/ropes/and MORE in their OWN Back Yards - because it would cut their obscenely huge profit margins.
22 Posts
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in True History of Marijuan...
on 12-03-2014 at 02:20:23 PM
Using Hemp for fiber and bio-diesel, and Plastics and Paper, could help America out of the economic doldrums by stimulating domestic production and industry.
Let the States determine for themselves whether they are interested in billions in Tax dollars and Economic Growth.
8 Posts
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in New Zealand's Taranaki H...
on 09-14-2013 at 01:05:10 PM
Anything not about Forbidden Plants